How Much Does A Chiropractic Visit Cost?
We are a little different than most other offices.
Pacific Vibes Chiropractic is an affordable cash pay practice*.
We do not place our patients on unnecessary treatment plans, but instead, empower and trust our patients to manage their own health; allowing them to schedule each visit as they choose.
Our pricing below is straight-forward, no surprise hidden costs.
*Superbill Provided for Insurance Company Upon Request

Existing Patient
Existing Chiropractic Patient
Treatment Session (35 min)
- Full Spine and Extremity Realignment with Problem-Focused Deep Tissue/Trigger Point/Manual Muscle Release
- If you are dealing with a Specific Issue, we will spend the majority of your appointment addressing that.
**There are available options to add additional time to your appointment if you have multiple issues.

Session for Injuries/Rehab/
Existing Patient (45 min)
- Injury Focused - Shoulder, Knee, Elbow, Low Back, etc..
- Deep Tissue/Trigger Point/Manual Muscle Release
- Restorative Cupping for Muscular Concerns
- Graston Technique to further address Soft Tissue/Muscles/Scar Tissue
- Acute, Chronic, Post-Op Injury Rehab